Tubing Applications

Dominion Energy

Plastic Fabrication Company Uses Clear Plastic Sheet for Custom Acrylic Fabrication Occasionally our customers need fabricated sheets for their product. Dominion Energy recentlyneeded a new wet calibration rig to replace a dirty old yellowing acrylic rig. The project...

Bells For 20′ Length Tubing

When most people think of belled pipe, they envision PVC pipe that often comes standard with a belled end on one side. PVC pipe manufacturers, thus have specific belling machines dedicated for specific pipe sizes and schedules. Busada clear tubing and pipe, however,...

Our Static Dissipative Coating

We now have an option for a hard-baked static dissipative coating for our transparent tubing. Most plastics do not give up their electrons easily; they are insulators. And since they are insulators, they are poor conductors of electricity. Thus, electrical charges can...

Offset Bends

Offsets: Busada was one of the first plastics tubing and pipe manufactures to offer customers long radius sweeps, and we have done it for over 65 years. Before we had our advanced heaters, we would use hot oil, salt, glycol, vermiculite and other ways to heat the...

P-Trap Bends-Small Diameter Tubing Bends

We made these P traps for HVAC equipment. We considered smoke gray, with butyrate or PETG tubing. In the end, we went with a .5″ OD x .060w, clear transparent butyrate tube. Got to admit, this was a challenge to get this tiny multi-bend right. The plastics...

Tritan Tubing, The Largest Anywhere

Tritan: Our first extrusion of Tritan tubing was big in itself. It produced the largest Tritan tube in America to that point. The 5″ OD x .250w tube was designed for a home-consumer company. Now we extrude Tritan up to 10″ in diameter. Tritan is a monster...

Tube Cutting

Depending on the wall thickness and tolerance (length and squareness) we can saw cut, core cut (blade), or lathe cut tubing to length. [TABLE] Blade cuts are very square and have a soft feather edge (no sawdust). The feather edge is a result of heat generated from the...

U Bends

Frequently we are asked to make UBends (180°) bends. In a UBend, the offset is twice the radius, and keeping the offset is the trick. In thermoplastics bends the tubing tends to pull in or out (memory) and work as a thermometer with radiant heat. Our process minimizes...

Will The Circle Be Unbroken

A Spanish museum contacted us to see if we could fix a work of art. The actual artwork is an elaborate set of collars that connect small-diameter tubing bent on a tight-radius circle. They sent us a sample of an acrylic tube. Acrylic is famous for cracking, crazing,...

Rectangular Tubing Upgrades in Clarity

Rectangular transparent tubing formed in an extrusion vacuum system has some inherent problems in clarity. For one, the vacuum sizer heads need extra length to combat the vacuum’s tendency to round the tube. This tends to introduce draglines and chatter marks....

Coupling Bells, Flares, And Sleeves

Besides solvent welding, there are several other methods to couple your Flares and Bells to our tubing. Many of our customers want to easily access sleeves and couplings for cleaning of the pneumatic line. Axial Slit and Hose Clamp: We simply provide four .125″...

Easy Pneumatic Access Port

We recently had an inquiry regarding a transparent easy access port in their pneumatic tubing lines. Our simple solution is to install, wherever necessary a grouping of two axial-slit sleeves and a removable tubing section. The sleeves are to be mounted by hose...

Fitting Bends To Your Needs

This week we had a challenge. A customer ordered a specialty bend with 4 inch ID on a 20” Outside Radius. The bend was to have an extended tangent on one side of 15” and a short tangent of 1.125”. The customer wanted to put the bend directly into a chute for their...

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