Conveying Fibers To Cement

Published: February 15, 2021
by Charles Busada
clear tubing in a cement production system

Fiber-reinforced concrete has been rapidly growing throughout the building industry. Polypropylene fiber can increase toughness and durability of residential concrete. These synthetic fibers need to be uniformly distributed within the mix. But macro-synthetic fibers are long and thick in size and can get stuck in the conveyance process due to high static charges. Cellulose Acetate Butyrate (CAB) with our static coating can insulate people from static shocks and dissipate free electrons to ground. And, yet, there is simply the problem of getting the fibers into the concrete mix.

One of our customers just needed a tweak of a bend. The problem was that he could not tell us the angle or radius that he needed.

We have some experience with helping customers find radii and angles from photographs and we went to work. We determined that a 18.5° bend on a 46″ CLR would put the tube in the right spot.

Before: Our customer tried a quick fix with a PVC coupling, but soon found that it jammed the fiber line up.

We were able to calculate the proper bend and, from the picture it seems that it got quite the usage.

Short story here, customer was happy.

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