Parks Whistle

Published: March 25, 2017
by Charles Busada
Equipment machining tubing for Park's penny whistles and flutes.

I have enjoyed my time corresponding with Carey Parks. We talk colors, engraving, music, and the lot.


Butyrate and Provista (PETG) have specific acoustic properties and it is something that I would like to study further. For example, Onda Corp. has some data on acoustic attenuation of various resins.


A table of plastic materials, their velocity, density, impedance, and attenuation.

Also, as this blog expands I’ll have a bunch of pictures of artistic penny whistle designs and hopefully, many of Carey’s.

In the meantime, this is a start.

Clear tubing with a mouthpiece attachment and finger holes drilled
A Park's whistle made from clear plastic tubing

From a newspaper article . . .


Screenshot of text saying, "Over the last three years, Parks estimates he's made about 900 whistles and sent them around the world - Moscow, South Africa, and Argentina, to name a few - and he has dealers in the U.S., Australia, and Russia. And with prices starting at $25, they're an entry-level instrument that won't break most banks. Plus, they come with this guarantee: "Love it or return it." And if one of his whistles needs repairs, Parks will work on it for free."

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