Pneumatic System Senior Mechanical Engineering Project

Published: October 21, 2020
by Charles Busada
The design schematic of the tubing system with multiple branches and bends

A 5-man team of senior mechanical engineering students at the University of Missouri contacted us for their required capstone design project. They were to build a functioning model of a coal log pipeline design which was patented by two Mizzou professors back in the early 90’s. It received a lot of funding and a 300-ft research pipeline was on campus for several years before the professors passed away and the project was discontinued.

The design conveyed coal logs (which were compacted into cylinders), however, the conveyance system was causing abrasion to the logs. The students set out to convey the logs within canisters and propel them via air. Their mission was to create a model of such a pneumatic system. They sent us a drawing and we were more than happy to offer suggestions.


A drawing of the pneumatic tubing system

We made the bends and instructed the student engineers how to make, contour, and solvent weld the branches into the tubing racetrack.

We provided them with templates.

And they did the rest.

The joined tubing and branch after solvent welding
A section of tubing lying next to a branch tube with the connection points cut out
Preparing to join a branch to the main tubing channel

And they did a commendable job.


Gif of the pneumatic tubing system in action

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